
In the Holy Scriptures… only Prophet Isa is called “Al-Masheeh.” This word has a deeper meaning than you might think by honest way.

The word Al-Mazih (مسيح) is derived from the Hebrew Hamachiak (המשיח), meaning anointed or appointed In the tradition of the Jews (Jews) This anointing is done through anointing with holy oil.  Read more...

For the Jews, it is believed that it has not yet come and will come in the future. But for the Nasrani (Christ) and Muslims, it is believed that Isa the son of Maryam (Jesus) is the person in charge of the Messiah.

In the Quran at least 11 times it is stated that Isa is the Messiah, such as Surah Ala Imran verse 45, Surah Annisa, verse 157, 171, etc.   Read more...

Al Masih is a special person.

His whole life had already been predicted in the previous scriptures. both in the Torah, the Sabor and other written records of the prophets of the people of Israel (Israel) where to be born at what time From whose descent, what did it do, left and how did it come back?   Read more...

Coming from the lineage according to the prophecy miraculously

There are several prophecies stating that the Messiah will come from the descendants of Nabi Dawood. (King David) As the writing of Prophet Isaiah (Isaiah) 11:1 prophesied that   Read more...

departed and rose as prophesied miraculously

Even the end of the Messiah, death and resurrection It was also recorded in several previous scriptures.   Read more...


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