Almasih's amazing life III

Almasih's amazing life III

Departed and rose as prophesied miraculously

Even the end of the Messiah, death and resurrection It was also recorded in several previous scriptures.

In the Book of the Prophet of Dawud (Psalm David) 22:16,18 is like a reflection of what will happen to the Messiah as it will take place at his death. You will be stabbed with your hands and feet. (crucifixion) and your garments will be divided and drawn lots. Which was true with the Prophet Isa!

The text in the Book of Sabun is recorded as follows: “Dogs surrounded me. A group of evildoers surrounded me. They stabbed my hands and feet. They divided my garments among themselves. As for my garments they cast lots.”

The writing of Prophet Ishaya (Isaiah) 53:9 also records that the Messiah's body will be buried with the rich. This also happened to Prophet Isa as well. because Yusuf the Arimathea A rich man and one of the members of the Judaic (Jewish) court arranged a new grave for him.

“And he set his grave for the wicked. and he placed him with the rich in his death. even if you did not commit any atrocities and no deception in your mouth.”

And finally, the Book of the Prophet of Dawud (Psalm David) 16:10 records another important miracle of the Messiah. That is, your body will not perish. but will rise again This also happened to Prophet Isa.

The text in the Book of Sabun is recorded as follows: “For you will not cast my soul into Hell. neither will his Holy One be corrupted.”

all this Prophet Isa confirmed and summarized the essence of the preceding scripture prophecies concerning the death and resurrection of Al-Masheeh. as recorded in Injeel Luke 24:44-46 says:

Then he said to the disciples, “I tell you while we are with you, Everything that is written about us in Musa's sharia is good. The scriptures of the prophets are good. and the Book of the Sabur, it must be true." said to him “In the Al-Kitab it is written: Al-Mazih will be subjected to torture and on the third day will be raised from the dead.

Conclusion : Of the Five Miraculous Prophecies of Al Messiah Life We can see that the Prophet Isa was the only one who accomplished this. and only you can become the Messiah. Why were you sent down?


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