Hope #3
How does this God-given hope benefit us?
Hope keeps us waiting
from the text in the Sabur 33:20-22By Nabi Dawood It has been recorded as follows…
“Our souls wait for Allah. He is our help and shield; yea, our hearts rejoice in him. because we trust in Your holy name, O Allah. May your mercy be upon us as I hope in you.”
we can see that because of the hope of Allah Make Nabi Dawud await the deliverance and protection of Allah by trusting firmly.
Hope gives us joy and peace of mind.
From the passage of the Sahabah (Apostle) to the Romans of the Prophet Isa named Shaul (Saul, also known as Paul), chapter 15, verse 13, it is recorded as follows:
“May Allah, the source of hope, fill you with joy and peace in your faith. that you may be filled with hope by the power of Ruhul Kudusu.”
Sha'ul called Allah as # source of hope which will bring joy and peace because when we know the promises that lie ahead that have been prepared for us We don't need to worry about anything. but heading towards hope with joy
Hope makes it possible to face adversity.
Another passage of the letter to the Roman believers in chapter 5 verses 3-5 says:
“Moreover We also rejoice in our afflictions. because we know that suffering Difficulty caused patience. and forbearance shows us that we are the ones that Allah can use. and in so doing, there is hope. and hope will not disappoint because the love of Allah has been poured out into our hearts through al-Ruhul Qudusu. (Holy Spirit) which He has bestowed upon us.
Here it is seen that even in adversity Sahabah Shaul said that we can rejoice. because adversity makes us endure When we are patient, we will see that we are working people. which by this gives us hope from the love He bestowed upon us It is because of this hope that we continue to endure hardships for future commitments. As the text of the same letter says: “I see that suffering in this life It should not be compared to the glory which will be revealed to us in the future” (8:18).
“Hope in God is useful in helping us to wait patiently. have joy and peace and face suffering with the hope that is prepared ahead.”
I pray that everyone who has read till here There is always hope and patience with everything.
Now let's go to Secret of Hope