Your sins are forgiven


“Simon was one of the Pharisees. He invited Isa to dine with him. Isa went into the house of Simon and ate. There was a woman in the city who was a sinner. when he learned that Jesus was eating in Simon's house So she brought a bottle of perfume and stood behind Isa's feet. and cried tears that wet his feet. Then she wiped the wet feet with her hair until they were dry. she kisses her feet and poured perfumed oil on his feet. When Simon saw this he thought to himself, “If this person really is a prophet He should have known that the woman who touched him was a sinner.”

Isa turned to look at the woman. and said to Simon, “Did you see this woman? When we came into this house he did not give us water to wash our feet. But this woman used her tears to wash our feet for us. Then I wiped it dry. You didn't kiss us. But this woman since entering Keep on kissing our feet non-stop. You have not anointed my head with oil. But this woman used aromatic oil to anoint our feet. Therefore, I would like to tell you that...this woman showing so much love is proof that She was forgiven for all her many sins. The one who is forgiven much is loved very much. but the one who receives little forgiveness loves little.”

Then Jesus said to the woman, “Her sins are forgiven.”

The other people who were eating with them thought to themselves, “Who is this man? therefore able to forgive sins?”
But Jesus also said to the woman, “Her faith has saved her. Go in peace.”

This woman was well aware that she was a “sinner” who should not be forgiven. But Eisa forgives because of her “faith”. Her faith is tangible. She was willing to use her tears to wash her feet. use hair to wipe feet Use expensive essential oils to nourish your feet. Because she knows...Isa can forgive her sins.

Those who believe and have faith will be forgiven of their sins. no matter how many sins

Isa is al-masih who forgives sins!


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